Dental Cavity & Root Canal Treatment In Ahmedabad
Dental Cavity
Cavities get developed due to an increase in the bacteria development on the teeth. Cavities further cause decay in the teeth which makes the tooth painful at some point later. Small food particles and sugar are mainly responsible for the cavity development of teeth.
Dental Cavities are formed when tooth enamel gets decayed due to the bacteria on the teeth. The best way to prevent decay to become larger problems and form bigger cavities is by filling cracks and crevices on the teeth surface with a dental sealant. The dentist will use the dental sealant to fill in minor pits and crevices on the tooth surface which can house bacteria which may cause further decay.
What Are Dental Cavities?
“If you don’t brush your teeth, you will develop cavities”- is something we have heard ever since we were kids. So, what are dental cavities? In simple words, cavities are decayed parts of your teeth that are formed due to bacteria and acids they produce. They appear as brownish-black or black specks on your teeth and food lodgment in these cavities is a common problem.
How Does A Cavity Form On Your Teeth?
The main reason for cavity formation is poor oral hygiene, softened food remains in contact with the teeth. Bacteria in the mouth use these remains as a source of their food and produce acids that have the potential to dissolve enamel and cause cavities.
These cavities now become areas where food keeps getting lodged very often. When not stopped at this stage, the bacteria continue to go deeper into the tooth structure, affecting the dentine and eventually reaching the tooth pulp. Eventually, these cavity causing bacteria can destroy an entire tooth, or many teeth at once.
How Do You Know You Have A Cavity?
Pain of course, right? Well, while pain is sign of dental cavities, but it is usually a symptom in the advanced stage of dental cavities when it has reached the dentine or the pulp.
Here are some signs and symptoms of cavities, even during their early stages:
- Sensitivity to cold and hot foods
- A ditch or cavitation in the tooth
- Tooth pain when foods gets lodged in these cavities
- Black-brown stain or spot on your teeth
The symptoms of dental cavities depend upon how deep your cavity is. Dental cavities in the enamel layer have the least sensitivity and absolutely no pain associated. However, when the dental cavity reaches the pulp and exposes it, it can cause excruciating pain that most of us associate with dental pain.
Causes Of Dental Cavities
The main cause of dental cavities s poor oral hygiene and acid-producing bacteria. But, dental cavities can be caused by other reasons as well such as:
- Eating sugar-laden foods
- Dry mouth conditions where the individual produces less saliva (saliva helps to wash away food debris and keeps tooth surfaces clean)
- Individuals with a sticky saliva (sticky saliva allows food and bacteria to remain on the teeth as compared to a watery saliva)
- Hereditary structure of the teeth surfaces that have deep, narrow grooves and fissures that are ideal for food lodgment and cavity causing bacteria.
Can I Prevent Dental Cavities?
Of course yes, you can ! Here are some tips and oral hygiene habits that you can follow to prevent dental cavities altogether:
- Maintain excellent oral hygiene: This involves brushing twice a day or after every meal (whenever possible), flossing between your teeth and rinsing your mouth after eating anything.
- Regular dental visits: Everyone needs to visit their dentist twice a year (once in every six months) for a routine dental checkup. This is essential as your dentist can keep a track of your oral hygiene and nip it in the bud.
- Treat dental decay early: The earlier dental decay is diagnosed and treated, the better it is.
- Avoid excessive consumption of sugary foods and those high in carbohydrates as these sugars are bacteria’s favorite food.
If you suffer from dental cavities and wish to get them treated, visit our Dr. Konain Dental Clinic today! Our dentists are experts in preventing dental cavities by providing cavity treatments and will be happy to answer any queries you may have about your teeth problems.
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